Where is the Enneagram helpful relationally?

There are nine different core numbers, which means that chances are you are interacting with different ways of seeing every moment of every day. Knowing how you take in information from the world around you and becoming self-aware will give you time to respond to others instead of reacting.

The Enneagram gives you space for others to process information differently and then see the value they add by their perspective. It also allows you to see where you may be lacking and how you can make an effort to improve. The Enneagram is not to be used as a weapon or an excuse. This tool helps highlight your gifts and your struggles for the purpose of growth but not to excuse bad behavior.

We have all received the phone call after a family event. “Aunt so and so did it again” or “can you believe what your brother said … ?” Having a tool where even families can discuss problems objectively and have awareness of our own triggers can allow us to communicate through problems and know what is on our own side of the fence.


How can understanding the Enneagram help my business?


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